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GNU is Not Unix

The name GNU is a recursive acronym. The GNU tools are a collection of programs that are implemented by providing basic functions (e.g. list files: ls) transform a computer with Linux into a usable system. Richard Stallman (german) created this collection and distributed it under a free license - the GPL. Thanks to it, interested parties have a complete toolbox at their disposal.

GNU tools are scriptable, as are the resulting scripts themselves. So with a few steps new programs can be created, which are the origin of other newer programs.

Used Tools

Strictly speaking, the following programs are not necessarily part of the GNU software. What they all have in common is the free license and *nix-like linking options.

Counts GNU Tool (2020-02-25)
1680 echo
744 cut
535 grep
346 test
277 sed
256 bash
252 tr
238 rm
185 dirname
166 pwd
123 sort
110 convert
97 bc
96 cat
89 head
79 tail
79 date
72 readlink
71 wc
55 uniq
53 printf
48 sleep
46 print
43 mv
42 mkdir
42 gnuplot
40 composite
37 paste
37 awk
36 g++
33 lsb_release
33 dpkg
29 basename
27 file
26 ls
25 tee
24 screen
23 find
22 size
20 chmod
19 identify
18 join
15 iptables
15 cp
12 w
12 touch
11 wget
10 espeak-ng
9 ffmpeg
9 feh
9 cryptsetup
8 kill
7 ps
7 links2
7 killall
6 mount
6 gunzip
5 zbarimg
5 pdftotext
5 pdflatex
5 mplayer
5 factor
5 beep
5 barcode
4 true
4 tar
4 su
4 stty
4 scanimage
4 reem
4 pdftk
4 pdfjoin
4 modprobe
4 ministat
4 make
4 jackd
4 inkscape
4 init
4 gpg
3 zita-j2n
3 zenity
3 xdotool
3 sync
3 swapon
3 sha512sum
3 pdfinfo
3 install
3 iconv
3 host
3 gzip
3 du
3 dmidecode
3 dbus-launch
3 clear
3 chrt
2 xxd
2 xterm
2 xte
2 xset
2 xmousepos
2 xclip
2 xauth
2 view
2 timeout
2 systemctl
2 stream
2 sox
2 slock
2 rec
2 ps2txt
2 ping
2 openssl
2 net
2 ncat
2 ncal
2 md5sum
2 losetup
2 hostname
2 doc2pdf
2 dd
2 cal
1 zita-n2j
1 zip
1 zbarcam
1 xwininfo
1 xrandr
1 wmctrl
1 visgrep
1 unoconv
1 tesseract
1 tac
1 sshd
1 ssh
1 socat
1 see
1 qrencode
1 pspp
1 ps2pdf
1 png2pat
1 play
1 pager
1 nl
1 mpv
1 more
1 mimetype
1 lsof
1 less
1 ip
1 inotifywait
1 ifup
1 gs
1 ghostscript
1 geoiplookup
1 gcc
1 firefox-esr
1 firefox
1 ffplay
1 evtest
1 enscript
1 enchant
1 dot
1 df
1 curl

Well, there's not too much uuoc. ;-)

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