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aufs - Another Union File System

add to fstab:

none   /path/to/overlayed aufs br:/path/to/modified=rw+nolwh:/path/to/latched=ro:/path/to/joined=ro:/path/to/based

The directory overlayed includes the whole content of the dircetories modified, latched, joined and based. All modifactions are only in the directory modified. You can add some subdirectories as readonly from the latched directory or you join other files or subdirectories into the joined directory. The based directory includes the basement files or directories.

With aufs it is impossible to delete files in latched, joined or based directory really. The modified directory includes in this case a hint, that the user can't see the deleted file. Removing the hint and you see the file again.

other union filesystems

unionfs-fuse -o cow,max_files=32768 -o allow_other,use_ino,suid,dev,nonempty  /u/host/etc=RW:/u/group/etc=RO:/u/common/etc=RO  /u/union/etc
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